It’s finally the time many of us have been waiting for. The Xbox One is out in the wild!
And if you are one of those lucky enough to be picking a new console up today or in the new future, you may wish to check out our Xbox One launch Apps or Xbox One launch games articles.
You can also find all your favourite Xbox One news pieces here.
But don’t fret if you are sticking with the 360 generation. We’ll still be covering plenty of Xbox 360 news and reviews for a good old while yet.
We’ll also be keeping you fully up to date with all Xbox One and Xbox 360 games out in store each week, and then covering our favourite articles from the week past In The Hub each Sunday.
And lastly but not leastly, to usher in the next generation, TheXboxHub will be undergoing a slight change in design. It won’t affect our commitment to bringing you the best news and reviews from the world of Xbox, it’ll just be a design overhaul. Hopefully things will pan out the way we have planned them, but there may be slight issues with things looking out-of-place for a few days. The pain will hopefully be worth it in the long run!
So, stop your reading, and get playing that Xbox!