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Xbox One Titanfall Beta First Impressions


The Titanfall Beta has begun, for those who received codes to take part I hope you are making the most of this opportunity. Those who still haven’t got access we’ll keep our fingers crossed on your behalf, but for now have a read of my initial thoughts for the Xbox One Beta.

I am fortunate enough to be a lucky recipient of a code and thus I have been making every second count, squeezing in more game time than usual. Where do I begin? Well the tutorial is as good a place as any; it offers a chance to learn the most important areas of gameplay and introduces nifty features. Free-running, Smart Pistols and of course Titans are high on the agenda, it was pleasant to see a mixture which helped me feel almost ready for battle.

The game modes aren’t necessarily unique ideas as such but once the Titans are thrown in, all usual tactics for these well known game types go out of the window. All of them (Attrition, Hardpoint and Last Titan Standing) need a little strategy if you wish to dominate as a team. I expected LTS to be the least desirable; I thought it’d be quick and pure carnage. Whilst it can be the latter, the pace of each round is dictated by well organised teams and when I found a few players willing to work together it was rather entertaining picking off the other team’s stray Titans whilst also flanking groups of them.

Titans themselves feel a lot less clunky than I had imagined, the transition from Pilot to Titan feels lovely and smooth. I had as much movement control (to a degree, I couldn’t wall jump obviously) on-foot as I did in the giant mechanical Titan. Although we only get to dabble with an Atlas Titan it leaves me salivating over how powerful the Ogre will be.

TF Angel City

Usually I am a stickler for maps, especially with those which seem to suit just one type of play style. Kudos to Respawn for developing and allowing us to play on two maps (Fracture & Angel City) which ticked all the boxes for me. Whether you are in a Titan or on-foot it doesn’t restrict you to, for example, using snipers or close range combat solely. The maps are what you make of them and if you want to scale roofs, go for it but if you’d rather sneak through tunnels and buildings past Titans or large groups of enemies then you can.

One of my main worries was how useful or useless Pilots would be against Titans considering the size and power difference. Rest assured the Pilot has tools to seriously put a dent in a Titan’s armour, just don’t stand out in the middle of a field because you will get stamped on! The Pilots are handy all round, especially if you make use of the free-running, there is always an escape route if you use the environment around you.

Despite it being a Beta I have enjoyed it so much that I feel I could easily get addicted to this relatively small sample of the full game. Although I’ve noticed a few things that some will moan about e.g. Smart Pistols (they lock on to enemies automatically), I believe every weapon or piece of kit I’ve used has advantages and disadvantages that balance the game very well.

I haven’t mentioned burn cards (boost cards for when you die), Titan abilities or even the art of ejection, however I wish to leave you guys and girls with something to explore for yourselves. With 14 ranks and a couple of neat things to unlock along the way it is a real joy to play, even though I’ve hit the level cap already. Thanks to the Beta I have officially bought into the hype, EA and Respawn… I am ready for you to unleash the Titans!! It’s a game changer.

Titanfall will be available for Xbox One (NA – March 11th, UK – March 14th) & Xbox 360 (NA – March 25th, UK – March 28th)

James Birks
James Birks
Been gaming casually since the SNES as a youngster but found my true passion for games on the Playstation 1 (the forbidden word ooo). My addiction grew to its pinnacle with the purchase of an Xbox 360 & Xbox Live Service. A recovering GS hunter that will still play literally any game.


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