February. The shortest month of the year. But that doesn’t mean it can’t provide us with plenty of brilliance and thanks to the Xbox Game With Gold scheme it is a month in which yet again Xbox gamers get access to new, free, titles – but instead of the usual four, we’re getting access to five. And those new games have now been confirmed with the superb Gears 5, iconic Resident Evil and more headlining the freebies.
There is never a better day in the life of an Xbox gamer than those which provide free gifts, gaming experiences, and the opportunity to increase the number of games in their library for very little outlay. That is where the Games With Gold scheme comes in each and every month, and with January starting to close, and February on the horizon it’s time to look to the next set.
So what are they? Well, the five (YES, FIVE!) free Xbox 360 and Xbox One/Xbox Series X|S games given away throughout February 2021 (and beyond in the case of one of them) are…
- Gears 5 – 1st-28th February 2021
- Resident Evil – 1st-28th February 2021
- Dandara Trials of Fear Edition – 16th February – 15th March 2021
- Indiana Jones and the Emperor’s Tomb – 1st-15th February 2021
- Lost Planet 2 – 16th-28th February 2021
As you can see, yet again we’re being treated to a rather lovely variety of titles, and whether they will appeal to you will possibly depend on a few things – if it’s your type of game, and secondly, if you’ve previously purchased it in the years prior, or, thirdly, whether or not you have downloaded via Xbox Game Pass. But for most people, and most gamers, the freebies coming our way throughout February 2021 will be great at passing the time – even if they are kept for a rainy day.
As always you’ll find the standard prices for each game removed as and when the 1st and 16th of the month comes around (you may be lucky to gain access slightly earlier than that), and it is then when you’ll want to get your download in. The Xbox Store will provide the goods, and we’ll be here to remind you when the time comes.
However, for all the good that new free games bring, it does mean that if you haven’t yet taken home the downloads from January yet, time is fast running out. Little Nightmares, Dead Rising and Breakdown are all still currently free to own, provided you’re the holder of a valid Xbox Live Gold subscription – make sure you download each of them now.