HomeTheXboxHub News...Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy arrives on Xbox One and...

Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy arrives on Xbox One and PS4 today!


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Do you find pleasure in conquering powerful arcane foes? Fancy heading off on a new adventure? Just want some more sweet loot? The latest update for Neverwinter is here and promises to deliver all of those things…and more!

Available on both Xbox One and PS4, Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy furthers the Neverwinter tale as it brings a new campaign, another adventure zone, a new dungeon (albeit one in a rather familiar location) and the chance to hit out with some dynamic skirmishes.

Expansion Description:

The city of Neverwinter is under attack by the Cloaked Ascendancy, a group of four mages ripped from the Cloak Tower during the Spellplague. Their immense power is derived from the Far Realm and they’re wielding it to claim the throne from Lord Neverember. Adventurers return to Neverwinter following the events of Storm King’s Thunder to honor a fallen friend in the recently reclaimed River District. The ceremony is interrupted by a mysterious band of mages from the Far Realm, led by Gyrion the Ascendant, who look to carry out an evil plot to disrupt the city. The River District, a new adventure zone, sets the stage for players to uncover the Cloaked Ascendancy’s evil plot, complete an all-new campaign, battle in a new skirmish, conquer a new, high-end Spellplague Caverns dungeon and more.

The list of the new features that can be found in Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy includes:

  • New Adventure Zone: Following its recent reclamation, the River District becomes home to the Cloaked Ascendancy, with various areas reflecting the mage occupying them.
  • New Campaign: Reclaim the River District from the Cloaked Ascendancy one quest at a time to help return it to the bustling economic center it was before the eruption of Mt. Hotenow.
  • Spellplague Caverns Dungeon: The Cloaked Ascendancy culminates in a return to an original Neverwinter location for a master dungeon where players will face off with members of the Cloaked Ascendancy. Both the new master and returning levelling versions of the dungeon yield new loot.
  • New Skirmish: “The Illusionist’s Gambit” offers a dynamic challenge for both max and low-level adventurers. Enemies, settings and challenges will shift randomly each round, creating new experiences every playthrough.
  • New Artifact Weapons: Players can earn four new weapon sets harnessing the power of the Cloaked Ascendancy mages. Harness the power of the Far Realm with the Mirage, Fey, Lifeforged and Aboleth weapons.

If you’re in need of some fast-paced combat, want to trawl through some epic dungeons or just wish to explore the vast city of Neverwinter and its nearby lands, then you could do worse than get involved in the free-to-play world it brings. Hit it up right now on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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