It’s great when you master using certain characters in a fighting game like Mortal Kombat 11, but sometimes you just want to give a new one a go, and if that’s the case then your luck’s in because Nightwolf is out now as a playable character. That’s not all though, with a Klassic Arcade Fighter Pack arriving alongside him, bringing a selection of costumes into the mix too.
In the Mortal Kombat universe, the Great Spirit chooses a worthy warrior from every generation to become Nightwolf – the Matoka’s champion and protector. Grey Cloud was chosen after proving worthy of such an honour by laying down his life to prevent the Black Dragon from plundering all that remained of his tribe’s sacred artefacts. As Nightwolf, Grey Cloud possesses extraordinary magic that’s granted by the Great Spirit and he uses it to defend the whole of Earthrealm.
And now this noble character is available to purchase on Xbox One for £4.79 via the Xbox Store, which then enables him to be used in Mortal Kombat 11. There’s also a Klassic Arcade Fighter Pack to buy, priced at £4.79, and that provides a trio of classic attires for Jax, Kung Lao and Kano to wear. Meanwhile, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC owners should check their respective digital stores for both of these pieces of DLC. If you already have the Mortal Kombat 11 Kombat Pack then these are included within that, so just go ahead and download them.
Let us know whether you pick either of these up for your next brutal session by dropping us a comment below. Haven’t bought Mortal Kombat 11 yet? Why not give our full review a read to see if you’ve made a fatal error in missing out on it.
Nightwolf DLC Description:
Every generation, the Great Spirit chooses a worthy warrior to become Nightwolf: the Matoka’s champion and protector. Grey Cloud proved worthy when he laid down his life to prevent the Black Dragon from plundering what remained of his tribe’s sacred artifacts. As Nightwolf, Grey Cloud possesses extraordinary magic granted by the Great Spirit. He uses it not only to fight for the Matoka’s future, but also to defend all of Earthrealm.
Klassic Arcade Fighter Pack Description:
Three new character skins. The Klassic Arcade Fighter Pack outfits Mortal Kombat 11 characters Jax, Kung Lao and Kano in Klassic, Arcade inspired costumes.