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Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan Review


Sydney Hunter may look like Indiana Jones, but he’s a 180 flip. Sydney didn’t intend to be locked in a Mayan pyramid – he’s there completely by accident. He’s got no interest in the Haab calendar that’s been broken and tossed around levels (there’s no whisper of ‘this artifact belongs in a museum’), and he’s only searching for the pieces as a promise to the Mayan people that live there. If he superglues the calendar together, they’ll let him out. He gets to go home.

That ‘familiar, but different’ theme runs all the way through Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan like a stick of rock. Just as Sydney is a skew-whiff take on Indiana Jones, the game itself has a different take on the 8-bit classics that you may know. It looks like a Rick Dangerous, Balderdash or Metroid, but underneath the surface it’s got some modern sensibilities, a hell of a lot of depth, and a streak of humour.

Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan review 1
Indy – is that you?

We keep writing down that Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan is a Metroidvania but then we scratch it out, because it kind of, sort of, is one. It’s broken down into levels, for one, which seems to declassify it. The structure goes a bit like this: you start in the throne room of the Mayan pyramid with a load of doors about you. If you’ve played the 16-bit Addams Family, you might have the gist. Each door needs skulls to open, so you better have enough to unlock the next one. If not, you’re heading back to an older door to canvas it for noggins.

Heading through the door and into a level, you’ve got a large, reasonably open dungeon to explore. There are branching routes, some of which are locked behind upgrades you haven’t gained yet (there you go: the reason we get tempted to throw ‘Metroidvania’ at it). But mostly you are heading in a direction you fancy, tackling enemies and navigating platforms, all in an effort to find skulls (the currency of opening doors) and keys. Those keys are their own currency, since they can be used in the other levels. They unlock routes that garner you more skulls, weapons, upgrades and, eventually, a boss. Kill the boss and a piece of the calendar is yours. Then it’s back to the hub to start all over again.

There are plenty of reasons why Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan is ace, but this structure is definitely a big one. Each level is its own little Castlevania mansion. You can explore on a whim in any direction, and each screen is loaded with secrets. Cracked blocks are big hints that there’s a collectible nearby, but you’ll need some skill to get to them without dying. And defeating the boss and pocketing a slice of calendar is only a small part of it. If you want to see the whole game, including all of its non-critical, optional levels, then you will need to be rinsing each level of skulls.

Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan review 2
Double trouble – spikes AND flames

Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan is deep and rich like Mayan coffee. I found myself swinging violently between collecting everything – gotta catch them skulls! – and racing through at speed, hoping to hell that I would reach a checkpoint. Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan is brutal with these checkpoints, sprinkling one or two and then pocketing the rest. It can be devastating to collect everything and then find you’ve lost it all because the game last saved ten minutes ago.

It does, if we’re being frank, push a little too far into being unhelpful. While reaching a checkpoint is massively rewarding – we would often be punching the air – it’s not exactly consistent. We’d be shouting loudly ‘surely a checkpoint has got to be on the next screen!’, as yet another area would pass without a whisper of a save. That gets coupled with a lack of a map, some odd save rules (it’s hard to tell what will remain collected or not collected after a death or save) and some difficulty spikes to create a slightly too unfriendly experience. Difficulty is fine, but there’s difficulty and there’s unhelpfulness, and Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan can stray into the latter.

Challenge doesn’t come from the controls though. Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan is a little joy to play, with tight-as-a-drum jumping and combat. It doesn’t do a huge amount that is complex, which is part of its secret: there is precious little parkouring or acting like Prince of Persia. But by keeping the abilities limited, they can get them right. The same goes for combat. There are additional attacks to be gained like boomerangs and spears, but mostly it’s a choice between melee and projectiles. Both feel good. These attacks are a choice: you tend to have to rotate through them, rather than having a constantly available arsenal.

Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan review 3
What is the Curse of the Mayan?

There’s a little criticism here, too. Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan borrows a trick from Legend of Zelda and TUNIC by having a secondary inventory to tinker with. That’s where all your potions and weapons lie. But there’s so many by the end that finding the one you want is a slightly numbing cycle through the shoulder buttons, or a quick jaunt to the inventory. It’s not a huge bother, but the bothers accumulate towards the end, when you want different abilities at speed.

It didn’t matter all that much because Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan had us in its skeletal mitts. It achieves what the best Metroidvanias do (there you go: we’ve committed to the term, even if the levels are too discrete and short for it to truly classify). It gives you a huge enticing place to explore, deep with secrets and taunting you with areas that are – just – frustratingly out of reach. By breaking its world into levels, you also have choice in what’s next. Do you exhaust an earlier level, unlock a side-room or continue with the critical path? It’s a small tinker to the formula, but it drew us in.

Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan isn’t in the conversation of ‘best Metroidvanias on the Xbox’. It’s got an unhelpful streak, and the graphical scrappiness stops it short from being the next Hollow Knight or Ori. But you know what? That’s a ridiculously high bar to set, and Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan confidently walks underneath it with its head held high. As a retro-leaning, budget Metroidvania, you can’t do much better than this.

SteamWorld Build Review

For all your big franchises, the likes of Final Fantasy and Resident Evil which have been milking the cash cow for decades now, there are a few smaller offerings, building legacies that you might not be aware of. The SteamWorld brand, for instance. 

SteamWorld Dig first appeared a decade or so ago, proving to be a big hit in the indie world of games, prompting a sequel – SteamWorld Dig 2 – that landed on Xbox in 2018; equally popular and reviewed brilliantly. 

But now things are going down a slightly different route with SteamWorld Build; a quiet, gentle city builder. Let’s make some memories and build some homes. 

SteamWorld Build review 1
Get building your SteamWorld town

SteamWorld Build is a relaxing city builder, placing you in the SteamWorld universe. The basic premise behind the game is for you to get build a working city in the frontier of the desert, all for an army of robot workers. It has that western steampunk design behind it that will be instantly familiar, as you go about building overground and mining underground throughout the game. Like in all city builders, the story is found in the creation; it’s that which will determine how your towns and cities survive. See yourself as the god, an all-powerful creator and it’s easy to understand the draw.  

Gameplay wise, SteamWorld Build has some admirable game mechanics that work well with their transition to console. Playing on Xbox Series X|S, I didn’t ever feel like I was missing a mouse here, the menus being easy to navigate and simple to get your head around. You start overground first of all, handling the simple things in life, building housing for your little robots and then roads to link them all together.

Then the services need to be put down, like general stores and supply needs. Milestones are reached as you go about upgrading your places, turning workers into engineers which then open up further buildings and the like. Your main goal will be to ensure your workers are happy and everything is running smoothly – before you go underground. 

SteamWorld Build review 2
A bustling world

It’s the beneath-the-surface elements of SteamWorld Build that see this stand out from the myriad of other city-building sims. Here you get to build mines, gathering up additional resources. It’s easy to get your workers digging out different caves – although doing so might just unleash monsters.

It’s about here where you’ll need to start working some defences to stop yourself from being overwhelmed by those creatures. Personally, I really liked the ability to swap between the overground city and the underground world seamlessly, especially as both are integral to the other, their needs for workers and resources combining. 

SteamWorld Build looks good too and I’ve appreciated the fact that it can handle multiple screens above and below ground instantly. You can zoom in and out of your maps to see the smallest of details, as well as getting an overall look at your city. The menus are clean, tidy and never feel too cluttered; again, a problem which sometimes hits city builders. It’s not going to win awards for its visuals and hasn’t the lighting effects or fidelity of some of the other contenders, but the cartoony SteamWorld design is colourful and fun. 

SteamWorld Build review 3
Going underground…

Perhaps you shouldn’t come to SteamWorld Build looking to pile in hundreds of hours, but this is an extremely likeable, bite-sized city creating adventure. It all works very well, and only in the latter moments will you ever really feel too much tension of juggling elements. 

It means that if you are after a friendly, charming sim game then SteamWorld Build should be able to deliver the adventure you’ve been looking for. 

Hidden Cats in New York Review


Swing by the Xbox Store and you might be tempted by a game with a £2.49 price tag. You might be tempted by its cute cats too, or some combination of them both. But as Nans across the world will tell you, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If you’re like us, you will have a prickly, wary sensation that this is a honey trap – some shovelware in kitten’s clothing.

Let us rest a reassuring hand on your shoulder and say ‘nae worries: this is one of the good ones’. Every rule has its exception, and Hidden Cats in New York is a fuzzy, cute exception.

Hidden Cats in New York review 1
Get colouring in New York

This will be no surprise to players of Hidden Cats in London. Priced identically, it was the first in this particular series (there is another hidden cat series on the Xbox, confusingly) and it should be your next stop if you end up enjoying this edition. Because we would be happy if ‘Hidden Cats in’ games come out until the end of time. They’re such a wholesome, cheap way to spend two hours, and we always end up wanting more.

It’s such a simple concept that we wonder how we will fill a review by describing it. Imagine a Where’s Wally?, but cat-bombed. A large city scene of New York has been invaded by 200 cats, and you have to spot every last one. Here’s a cursor, here’s the picture, now get tapping.

The magic, the secret sauce, the catnip is the use of colour. The broad canvas in Hidden Cats in New York is black and white. It’s welcome as there’s clarity to black and white. You don’t end up thinking that a shadow is a black tabby: you can tell immediately and instinctively what is feline and what is false. But as you find cats, they get coloured in. Better still, find all the cats in a tenement and the entire building gets coloured in. Suddenly you have an important piece of information. You’re done here, you can move on. You’re not missing anything.

It’s such a simple idea, but so gloriously, wondrously perfect. The possibility-space for cats shrinks. You don’t have to worry too much about where the last 18 out of 200 cats are. There will be black-and-white hints across the tableau. And so you tap and you tap until every last one is found.

We will admit that this is not for everyone. You can’t call in air strikes or decapitate anyone with an axe. But if you like your thrills resolutely in first gear, and happen to enjoy some cat-spotting as well, then Hidden Cats in New York is your game.

Hidden Cats in New York review 3
Can you spot the little kitty cats?

Normal Mode is pure cat gold, without anything else to dilute the experience. But there’s also a Hard Mode which randomises the cats (superbly handled), adds in special cats that unlock bonus levels (cutely referencing famous New York IPs like King Kong and Spiderman), and lets you spot humans (yaaaaawn). It’s this last one that we are not convinced about: you need to match the human with a small-ish picture of them, and we found it to be a chore more than anything else. We don’t want to be given a shopping list to spot specific things: we just want to jab our cursor at anything with whiskers and a tail.

It might sound one-note and quick-to-complete and you would be absolutely right, so praise-be that there are bonus levels. There are five of them, with 100 to 50 cats for your delectation, and they riff on some Big Apple themes. You can explore a Ninja Cat sewer dwelling (no prizes for guessing what that’s referring to), plus a Natural History Museum and the subway, among others. 

These episodes are less wide-ranging, and they also bring the game’s only major flaws. We are not sure why they break from the main game’s rulesets, because when they do, it’s generally not for the better.

Scenes don’t get coloured in as you go. That chef’s-kiss of a game mechanic is stripped out and we couldn’t tell you why. Perhaps it would make things too easy if it was there. But it means that the last few cats are a pain to spot. They could be flipping anywhere, and there’s no colouration to give you a helping hand.

Hints are limited to one per level. When you have bonus levels like the park, where two cats are nigh-on impossible to spot, having only two hints is an unnecessary limitation. We don’t see why there couldn’t have been a cooldown on that hint. That or force us to find cats on other levels until we unlock it.

Hidden Cats in New York review 2
Some nice references

And the cats in these scenes are often hidden underneath things. That’s fine when a box jiggles or a carpet has a big lump underneath, but some of the locations are bizarre to say the least. A public service announcement for you: in the park, click on every last cobblestone and under every bench. That will save you the headaches that we had.

The frustrations of the bonus levels only mildly sour the rest of the game. Because Hidden Cats in New York is an absolute steal. A little over £2 nets you two hours of hidden cat enjoyment, perfectly wrapped up in a black and white bow. The presentation is adorable, the art even more so, and everybody in our family has exhausted it once each. We can imagine re-downloading it in a couple of years to do it all again.

So, if you were wondering whether £2.49 is too good to be true, then – just this once – you needn’t worry. Hidden Cats in New York would be worth it at twice the price.

Messi and Lewandowski return as eFootball reaches 750 million downloads

eFootball 750 million
eFootball – 750 million downloads!

Back at the start of the year, Konami announced that their eFootball franchise had reached some 700 million players. Well, you can add another 50 mil on top of that as they reach the 750 million mark – and they are celebrating the milestone with the return of an Epic Lionel Messi

Millions upon millions

750 million downloads across all platforms is nothing to be sneezed at, but that’s where we are with Konami and their free-to-play eFootball. Having struggled initially, it’s a game that has started to find its feet, with the eFootball 2024 version up there with the best yet. Is it on PES proportions? Not quite, but hopes are high that they can continue to take it to EA SPORTS FC 24. 

So, with a big milestone comes the need to celebrate. eFootball players will get to do that with Lionel Messi in tow, dropping in Epic form. Three options are available here, commemorating some of his finest ever performances. The question is, which is THE finest? Well, you get into the comments and let us know…

  • Big Time 27th May 2009
  • Big Time 6th May 2015
  • Big Time 13thDecember 2022

A range of new events

But there’s more and running from now until May 16th 2024, anyone who logs into eFootball will discover a range of events and items to enjoy. During these three weeks, users can enjoy log in bonuses totalling 70 eFootball coins, 7 position training programs, and 7 skill training programs.

Further to that comes a free log-in present of an FC Barcelona Highlight Lewandowski card. And then in addition, via completion of the Campaign Achievements, users can bolster their in-game resources further with a potential haul of 360,000 GP, 250 eFootball coins, 102,000 Exp, 5 skill programs, and 3 Highlight: European Clubs Chance Deals.

Is that enough? Well, according to Konami, no, and there’s a Coin Sale taking place too. Running between April 25th and June 6th, users can also enjoy a discount on eFootball coins. And then there is also going to be an in-game campaign kicking around to focus on that of FC Internazionale Milano. In place until 2nd May, the campaign will feature a special player list of ‘Highlight’ cards of FC Internazionale Milano players.

Free log-in goodies

From these, users can gain one as a free log-in present and two more via chance deals to be won from the in-game Theme Event. All regular squad players will be given a live update rating of “A” class.

So, what’s not to like? Fire up eFootball today on your favoured system (Xbox, PlayStation, PC, mobile) and enjoy the chance to celebrate with Konami. And if you don’t yet have the game in your library, why not! It’s free to download from the Xbox Store

Dreamland Solitaire: Dragon’s Fury Review


Our Dreamland Solitaire marathon continues with Dreamland Solitaire: Dragon’s Fury, the second in ChiliDog Interactive’s quickfire trilogy. They’ve been released about as fast as it’s taken to review them, and we’re determined to close the gap before any more of the things drop onto the store.

That rapid release cadence might wave some red flags, but the series is no cash grab. We handed Dreamland Solitaire an unapologetic 4 out of 5 for good reason: it was that rarest of beasts – a solitaire game on Xbox that didn’t scream ‘lazy port’ and had enough depth and arcadey charm to make it one of, if not the best, versions of the parlour classic on Xbox. Now we’re here reviewing the sequel. We may well be in for a treat.

Dreamland Solitaire: Dragon’s Fury is perhaps as much of a progression as we could have expected from a game released a month after its predecessor. Which is to say that it’s an incremental nudge forward. But that nudge is forward, and on a very capable game in the first place. So hey, we will take it.

Dreamland Solitaire Dragons Fury review 2
The Dragon’s Fury builds on Dreamland Solitaire

Let’s lay those changes out so that Dreamland Solitaire fans can see what they’re getting. There are five of these changes, so it shouldn’t take all that long. The first is that we are blessed with a story. Dreamland Solitaire didn’t bother and chose to let the cards be cards. Dreamland Solitaire: Dragon’s Fury opts to introduce a dragon, a Smaug who has torched the kingdom and now returned to its treasure pile. It’s your job to clean up the mess and then do a spot of dragon slaying.

The story is no Game of Thrones, but it does give a little context to why you’re doing what you’re doing. It also lets Dreamland Solitaire: Dragon’s Fury give a voice and character to its fairy character, who was mostly there to pout last time out. The theme is mostly fine and does no harm.

Then there’s the stuff between the levels. In Dreamland Solitaire, you were tasked with building stuff, erecting pagodas and palaces because you have an architectural fetish. This time, you’re putting out fires, cutting down brambles, and generally returning the world to pre-dragon rights. Again. It’s mostly fine and does no harm.

It’s changes three, four and five that are the meat. These are new special card effects, in the play area for you to trigger rather than adding to your own personal arsenal. There’s fire, because dragons, and it will burn away cards until you uncover and use a water pot. Then there’s a scythe, which does the same but to brambles. And then there are hammer cards – easily confused with the axe cards – which mine away rocks.

If we were a cynic, and we are, we would complain that these effects aren’t exactly dissimilar. They are all keys and locks but with different visual effects attached. Only the hammer really gets a pass, as it mines all of the rocks in a spectacular, satisfying sweep. Why destroy one card when you can destroy them all on one layer?

Dreamland Solitaire Dragons Fury review 1
It’s Solitaire – with a difference

They are fine. They are, at the very least, different shapes of locks, so you are on the search for their relevant keys. Fire can hide hammers, and the rocks can hide the torches that clear the spiders from the first game. So, again, we value the incremental improvement, but it is merely that. 

Are there any steps back, we imagine you saying? Only a couple. We’d suggest that the curiously festive-sounding soundtrack isn’t as rousing as the Medieval Faire score from the first game. And there’s a weird visual bug on some burning huts that makes the second world almost fit-inducing. But those are details, so we will brush them off like the spiders we mentioned earlier.

For Dreamland noobs, a quick tour of what’s on offer is due. Dreamland Solitaire: Dragon’s Fury is, like the first game, a 200-strong compendium of Spider Solitaire puzzles. If that number seems high it’s because it is: for your money you are getting many afternoons of entertainment, and more if you want to earn every last trinket and collectible.

The puzzles themselves are very much on the arcadey, OTT side. This is not a simulation – this has the dial turned to fun. So, while you are doing the traditional one up, one down to remove a sequence of cards, you are setting off a domino rally of different effects. Our partner watched as we were playing and wondered what had happened to Spider Solitaire when she wasn’t looking.

On the board, blocking you from cards, are vines, brambles, rocks, locks, fire and spiders. On your cards, should you happen to clear them, are axes, scythes, hammers, water and keys. There’s a very low level skill involved in knowing what reveals what, and prioritising them as targets. But get it right and you can have a veritable firework display.

Dreamland Solitaire Dragons Fury review 3
There’s a Dragon in here somewhere…

Also helping are upgrades. Swipe coins from cards and you can buy golden cards and jokers. Gold cards can be used whenever you fancy, a 2 for when a pesky Ace won’t leave the table, while jokers are wild. Then there are special powers represented as bars, filling up whenever you clear a specific suit. They can zap away cards, call down fireballs and hand you a relevant card. Once you have all upgrades, you will be giving Aang a run for his money.

It’s a bit silly but also a great deal of fun. There’s no challenge here – upgrades will clear the level for you, and you can choose to progress without clearing every card (if you’re some kind of monster). Purple potions will accumulate in your inventory and you can spend them on clearing burned villages that were pillaged by the dragon.

Everything works as well as it did in Dreamland Solitaire. Controlling a speedy, precise cursor rather than snapping from card to card works surprisingly well. There will be the odd curse as you accidentally choose the wrong gold card or press Undo when you meant to press ‘next card’, but it’s mostly on the slick side. Dreamland Solitaire: Dragon’s Fury could be played by pretty much anyone, with any degree of Xbox or solitaire experience.

A little voice is grumbling in my ear saying that Dreamland Solitaire: Dragon’s Fury only represents a tiny step forward, and they would be right. But, for now, we are warm to the idea of a second instalment. This represents 200 levels of watertight, overblown solitaire levels, and the satisfying flow of clearing cards, setting off explosion after explosion, has lost none of its charm.

Now, when we get to Dreamland Solitaire 3 – well – that question of fatigue might get another answer entirely.

KEMCO ditch the RPGS for a horror Visual Novel – Horrific Xanatorium

Horrific Xanatorium
Horrific Xanatorium is a new horror Visual Novel

For years, KEMCO have very much focused on one gaming genre – the retro RPG, so much so that there are more than 50 of KEMCO’s finest on console. But perhaps they are now seeing the exhaustion of those efforts, as they release their latest game. You see, Horrific Xanatorium is a Visual Novel of the horror kind. What is this madness?

Available right now on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S is the latest from a prolific KEMCO team. This time around we get the opportunity to visit the world of Horrific Xanatorium. Playing out as a Visual Novel that builds in horror elements, this is a far cry from the usual KEMCO offerings. 

If you’re not on Xbox, you’ll find Horrific Xanatorium on PlayStation, PC and Nintendo Switch too. All bases covered then… 

A horror Visual Novel from KEMCO

Horrific Xanatorium tells of a world in which a Spiria epidemic is taking hold. This is a virus that causes delusions, hallucinations and more. It’s something that has hit our protagonist – Rui Genzaki. With the aid of his sister, Rui heads to the Kamikawa Sanatorium Hospital, all in order to get the help needed.

From there, standard Visual Novel fare plays out – all as love comes to the fore. And strange monsters, of course. 

Priced at £6.69, we’re interested to see where KEMCO go with Horrific Xanatorium. The creation of those at Pageratta, there’s even a ‘beach episode’ included in-game. Again, of course there is, this is a Visual Novel. We just hope that it is better than what plays out in Beautiful Sakura: Surfing Club

Buy now!

Xbox players will be able to pick up a copy of Horrific Xanatorium through the Xbox Store. It’s playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, fully optimised for the latter. 

You’ll also find Horrific Xanatorium on the storefronts of PlayStation, Nintendo Switch and PC. 

Horrific Xanatorium Description

A world where Spiria, a virus that causes delusions and hallucinations, has become an epidemic. The protagonist, Rui Genzaki, unfortunately gets infected with Spiria and begins to have hallucinations. His younger sister, Mone, takes him to Kamikawa Sanatorium Hospital. There he encounters his first love, Riza, the suspicious director, Anri, and strange monsters. Is the world you see reality? Or is it delusion? As a bonus, a beach episode with Mone and Riza has been added! You may have a wonderful time with the two of them!

How Microsoft’s Innovations Continue to Enhance Gameplay for Xbox Players

Source: Pexels

Player experience has become a crucial differentiating factor in the modern gaming scene. As Microsoft seeks to stand out from its competitors, it evolves to allow players to participate anywhere, anytime, with whomever they wish.

Past Innovations

In 2020, the tech giant launched the Xbox Cloud gaming service, though only Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscribers could access it. By 2021, players could access Game Pass games on their Xbox consoles from the cloud after Xbox Cloud Gaming (Beta) was incorporated into Xbox One and Xbox Series.

Later, in 2022, the company reported that it had improved its cloud services on iPhone and iPad. This included optimising video output and network data transmission to encourage the responsiveness of games. These updates came a year after Microsoft had just integrated 1080p and 60fps streams into its cloud gaming. Elsewhere, the company disclosed plans to develop a standalone device that could allow players to stream games on their TVs without consoles.

Meeting the Demands of Elastic Scalability

As player bases grow, the need for elastic scalability becomes increasingly apparent. Microsoft recognises this imperative and, through the Azure cloud platform, meets the demands of a dynamic gaming environment with agility. Azure’s global network of data centres in about 140 countries enables the company to deploy gaming servers closer to players, reducing latency. Through its auto-scaling capabilities, the infrastructure allows Microsoft to adjust resources based on demand, ensuring that games remain responsive even during peak seasons.

This concept of elastic scalability is not unique to the esports industry but is rather common across other entertainment sectors. For example, in the casino industry, where millions of players engage in online games like Slingo for real money, scalability helps to maintain system performance. This way, game providers ensure players have consistent experiences with games regardless of the gaming demand.

It’s not different within the movie industry. During peak hours, such as evenings and weekends, the number of users accessing streaming platforms like Netflix can increase dramatically. To ensure smooth playback and minimal buffering, Netflix relies upon Amazon Web Services to offer seamless experiences. In music, Spotify utilises Kubernetes to ensure optimal performance during peak hours and major music releases.

Bettering User Experiences

Source: Pexels

In April 2024, the tech giant announced a user interface (UI) update of the Xbox Cloud Gaming service that incorporated features similar to those of the Xbox Console. With the interface, users can now access the web version of Xbox Party Chat instead of using mobile apps to communicate with friends. Microsoft, however, noted that they hadn’t made the party chat feature available on Smart TVs.

This announcement came just a few weeks after Microsoft made it possible for Xbox Insiders to test mouse and keyboard support for the service. The tech giant mentioned that only Alpha Skip-Ahead users could access the UI, as it was a preview feature.   

Microsoft’s approach to gaming shows how gaming companies utilise technology to deliver exceptional experiences to players around the globe. By leveraging the power of Xbox and Cloud Gaming, Microsoft is not only revolutionising gameplay but also shaping the future of interactive entertainment. As the gaming landscape evolves, innovations that offer users engaging experiences will continue to emerge.

It’s all about the Zombies, Aliens and Guns!

Zombies Aliens and Guns keyart
Zombies Aliens and Guns keyart

When the aliens attack Earth and turn everyone into zombies, there’s only one thing for it – you grab your biggest guns and fight back. Yep, this one is all about the Zombies, Aliens and Guns!

Available to purchase, download and play today on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch and PC is Zombies, Aliens and Guns. It’s from that Ratalaika Games team (you know them, they fill the digital stores with super fun games each and every week!), this time around teaming up with 9Ratones’ Sergio Poverony. 

Zombies. Aliens. Guns.

Zombies, Aliens and Guns has been sitting on the Xbox Store for a little while in demo form. But now we get to a full release as players discover the opportunity to fight back against an alien invasion. See, Earth is under threat, and you’re the only person left to save mankind. With the opportunity to rescue survivors, to collect vaccines and to fight back with the biggest of weapons, we’re not sure there’s any reason to sleep on this one. 

Helpfully, we’ve been reliably informed that Zombies, Aliens and Guns is a short experience. That makes the £5.99 price tag more tempting, knowing that an evening or two’s worth of play should be enough to experience everything on offer. We’d hazard a guess and say that a ton of easy Gamerscore and Xbox achievements will come your way too. Our review of Zombies, Aliens and Guns on Xbox very much confirms all that.

Jump in and Zombies, Aliens and Guns will see you fighting, upgrading, surviving, all before rinsing and repeating, working both linear and random elements. There is the promise of multiple biomes in Zombies, Aliens and Guns too – a motorway, a village, a tropical island and more. You can be sure that each and every one of those locations will be full to the brim with zombies. And each will need taking down. 

Key features

* 33 levels of carnage
* 7 survival levels and boss rush mode
* 2.5D shooting action gameplay
* Variety of terrain and scenarios
* Multiple weapons
* Boss battles

Buy now!

You’ll find Zombies, Aliens and Guns kicking around on the usual digital storefronts. For Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S players, it’s the Xbox Store which will be most use. Remember, there’s a demo too, if you need to get a little taste of the action. 

Alternatively, you’ll find the game on PlayStation, Nintendo Switch and PC too. 

Zombies, Aliens and Guns Description

Aliens have attacked the planet, and they’re turning innocent people into mindless zombies. It won’t be long before the invaders have destroyed the planet unless somebody with guns stands in their way. That’s where you come in! Lead a cadre of soldiers who are ready to take down every last enemy in their path. You can fight alone or with a friend thanks to the local co-op mode! Try to beat the 33 levels and unlock all the 7 survival levels and the boss rush mode!

SAND LAND: Dive into the desert adventure on Xbox, PlayStation and PC

SAND LAND is on Xbox, PlayStation and PC

SAND LAND from the ILCA team if the latest to be picked up and pushed out to the gaming world via Bandai Namco. An action-RPG, it drops us into a desert world in which extreme water shortage is front and centre. Are you ready to dive in? Of course you are.

Available right now on Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5 and PC, SAND LAND sees us following a gang of Prince Beelzebub, his chaperone Thief and Sheriff Rao as they head out across the world of SAND LAND. Their goal? To find the Legendary Spring – hidden away in and amongst the wasteland. 

Created by Akira Toriyama, in SAND LAND you will play as Beelzebub. Complete with all the powers under the sun, you’ll get to tackle wildlife and bandits, utilising tactical nous and strategic calls. And you’ll need to make the most of a combination of all, as you hunt down that spring. 

Key features

SAND LAND brings together various ideas, multiple vehicles to help traversal and more. In fact, the key features sum it all up pretty well…

  • VEHICLES FROM BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION – Unlock vehicles that can be leveled-up with various mechanic parts including weapons, engines, and suspensions. Design and operate a large variety of vehicles including Battle Tanks with powerful cannons, Motorbikes that speed through deserts, and Jump-bots that bounce over rivers to explore every corner of the continent.
  • BECOME THE SAVIOR THE WORLD NEEDS – Develop your basecamp in the city of Spino, as you build relationships with its inhabitants. As you bring the exiled people of the desert to Spino, watch the town and its capabilities grow. Listen to their requests and wishes, and unlock useful materials and city features.
  • ADVENTURE BEYOND THE DUNES – Travel through SAND LAND and its canyons, unveil its secrets, overcome all obstacles, and find the entrance to an unknown world.

Buy now!

You’ll find SAND LAND on the usual digital storefronts. For Xbox Series X|S players, it’s the Xbox Store that should be paid a visit. Head over and you’ll find a Standard Edition of SAND LAND for £59.99. A Deluxe Edition ups that to £69.99. That Deluxe Edition adds in a new Army Base and Hideout, a Speed Demon Pack and a Decal Set. 

Expect to find similar on the PlayStation Store or that for PC. 

SAND LAND is not playable on Xbox One. 

Need a review? Our thoughts concerning SAND LAND on Xbox will be coming soon. We’d love to hear yours too – let us know what you think of SAND LAND by dropping into the comments.

SAND LAND Description

Dive into a desert world where both humans and demons suffer from an extreme water shortage – SAND LAND. Meet the Fiend Prince Beelzebub, his chaperone Thief, and the fearless Sheriff Rao, and follow the team on an extraordinary adventure in search of the Legendary Spring hidden in the desert. The end is only the beginning, as beyond this arid ground lies a new realm to explore.

In this action-RPG, players will find a nostalgic and heartwarming world created by Akira Toriyama, where you will become the main character Beelzebub. Learn how to control his powers and lead your company of heroic misfits exploring the legendary world of SAND LAND. Beware of the many dangers that populate it: between bandits, fierce wildlife, and the Royal Army, reaching the spring won’t be easy! Use your tact and imagination to develop tanks and other vehicles that will help you navigate this vast land, using a wide array of part combinations.

From the Stone Age to a future world, Aery – Cyber City soars!

Aery Cyber City
Aery – Cyber City takes us to the future

There have been an absolute shedload of Aery games release on Xbox over the years – each one ever-so-slightly amending elements to ensure it – just about – stays fresh. This time around though we get to head to a future world, as Aery – Cyber City soars onto Xbox. 

Available right now on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S via the EpiXR Game team, Aery – Cyber City is the latest addition to the series. Again, as is standard for the brand, it has us playing as a little bird, flying high, soaring across landscapes, heading into the unknown. 

Another Aery game – this time in the future

It’s just the unknown this time is that of a cyberpunk world; a future land that is full of beauty and secrets. Can you uncover the secrets within, grabbing various memory shards as you go?

If you’ve played any of the Aery games to date, you’ll know what to expect here. If not, the one before this was Aery – Stone Age, a complete and utter diversion from what is going on with this Cyber City. It’ll no doubt still be pretty familiar to what is going on here though – stay tuned for our full review of Aery – Cyber City for full confirmation. 

Priced at £8.39, a purchase of Aery – Cyber City isn’t going to break the bank. It might just be worth a download from the Xbox Store, as you look to play on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. 

Let us know if you decide to go flying again. The comments are below. Perhaps you’ve had enough of the minuscule changes that the Aery games bring? Maybe you adore their simplicity. Let us know about it. 

Aery – Cyber City Description

In Aery Cyber City you play a little bird on its journey to find a home after losing its dear friend.You will discover unknown, giant, and beautiful environments and you will be able to enjoy the feeling of flying while exploring a whole world filled with beauty and little secrets.Within every area of the world, you must find a certain amount of memory shards to remember the path that leads to your destination and advance with the story. Once you have found all the memory shards you are free to explore the next area.

Forza Horizon 5 Festival Playlist Weekly Challenges Guide Series 33 – Summer


It is a new Series in Forza Horizon 5, and the title for Series 33 is that of Apex All-Stars. I’m looking forward to some serious racing about to kick off; hopefully I won’t be too disappointed!

So, a new Series, a new set of weekly events, and now it is time to get cracking with the Forza Horizon 5 Festival Playlist Weekly Challenges for Series 33 Summer. Let’s race!

Forza Horizon 5 Series 33 Summer Photo
Forza Horizon 5 Series 33 Summer Photo

Part 1: Weekly Car Challenge – Prepare, Commit, Belong

This week’s challenge gives us a choice of one car, and one car only, but what a car – the McLaren P1 from 2013. The car that scared Clarkson to death when he drove it in the wet at Spa is what we need to take out.

Only 375 were made in real life, but luckily virtual cars have no limits!

Should you not have one in your garage, then they are available in the Autoshow, at 1.350,000 credits. Or, complete the Live Long and Prospera Seasonal Championship to get one for free!

Chapter 1 – Position 1

Get in your new car, take it for a spin. Step one complete. 

Chapter 2 – Hybrid Theory

Sadly not the Linkin Park album, instead we need to score three stars at the Autopista Speed Trap. Stock trim is fine. It’s on the highway in case you are unsure.

Chapter 3 – Wingin’ It

With it’s fancy wing, the P1 should be good at winning races, no? Prove it by winning a road circuit race.

Stock again for this, just watch the drift! 

I used the Horizon Oval track, which at 13 seconds a lap didn’t take long.

Chapter 4 – Race Active

Now simply score 6 stars at Speed Zones. Your choice!

Complete these tasks and we will be five points closer to the seasonal prizes that are up for grabs with Forza Horizon 5’s Festival Playlist Weekly Challenges for Series 33.

Part 2: Weekly Challenges, Championships and PR Stunts

So, with the weekly challenge done and dusted, let’s dive into the rest of the mayhem on offer. 

The Trial, the Eventlab making a triumphant comeback, PR Stunts and only two Seasonal Championships. Where are all the races?

The Trial – Mini Mustang Mixup

This week we need a B Class 700 Mini or Mustang from the 1960’s. I’m guessing that the Mustang will be faster, but the Mini will corner better, no?

Well, I went for a Mustang 2+2 Fastback from ‘65, and the share name is “BMustang” with my GT, Red620Ti.

The prize for managing to find people who actually want to race The Trial like it should be done is a Shelby Cobra. Hopefully you too can find people to race with like I did last week!

Eventlab 1 – JOHNBOY1782 Presents Italia 458 Racetrack

For this event, we need a Ferrari 458 tuned to S1 Class 900. I know, I was shocked too!

Stock trim is fine for this, but I used the Speciale variant. Why not?

Apart from a couple of ridiculously tight chicanes at the end of the lap, a pretty good track.

For winning out, we can take away a Super Wheelspin. Again.

Eventlab 2 – TORQUEDEMONZ Presents Green River Grand Prix

A Retro supercar tuned to S1 Class 900 is required for this event, and so I chose a Bugatti EB110, with share name “S1EB”.

A good high speed race through the countryside, I liked this one!

We can take away a Lotus 3-Eleven for winning out.

Eventlab 3 – HONZ12 Presents Jungle Race Circuit

This time we need a Modern Sports Car, tuned to only A Class 800. I went with a Toyota GR Supra, and the share code is 984217186.

A good track with a nice flow, I also enjoyed this one!

Take away a Halo Warthog for completing this, why don’t you?

PR Stunt 1 –  Speed Trap – Arid Hills

This week, all the Pr stunts need the same class of car, a Track Toy tuned to A Class 800. I chose a stock Jaguar XKR-S GT for this event.

We need to clear the trap at over 155 MPH, and this car should do it easily.

Do so and you’ll find a Super Wheelspin heading your way in return. 

PR Stunt 2 –  Speed Zone – Festival Speed Zone

Same car class, different challenge – can we average over 93 mph through this short zone? 

I went with the BMW M3 GTR, and the share code is :198385025.

Yet another Super Wheelspin? D’oh!

PR Stunt 3 –  Speed Zone – Mountain Pass

More average speed driving to do here, and this time the target is 112 mph. I went again with the same Beemer as above.

Another Super Wheelspin. I just can’t…

Seasonal Championship 1 – Live Long and Prospera

Oh dear, it appears the pun writers are back.

We need to use an Extreme Track toy tuned to S2 Class 998 for this event, and so as usual, it is the Bugatti Divo I reached for. Share code for mine is : 169915677.

For winning out, we can take home a McLaren P1.

Seasonal Championship 2 – Burning Up

Hot Hatch, geddit? Sigh.

We need an A Class 800 Super Hot Hatch, and so I chose a Ford Focus RS, share code : 151963655.

The prize for winning is a Pagani Zonda R, a bit quicker!

Part 3: Other Challenges

There’s always more to get involved in than just the racing, and that is the case again this week with Series 33 Summer. A Photo Challenge, Treasure Hunt, The Eliminator and a Horizon Tour this week. 

Photo Challenge – #VUHLATAZUL

We have to photograph a Vuhl 05RR at the start line of the Playa Azul Circuit. Should be easy enough, yeah?

Enjoy my artistic effort up at the top of this piece. The location you need to be in is below. 

The reward? A new Mexican Race Suit. Woo.

Forza Horizon 5 Series 33 Summer Photo Location
Forza Horizon 5 Series 33 Summer Photo Location

Treasure Hunt – Lotus Laps

The clue this week reads “With eleven in their name and them lacking any doors, win with one in Rivals and the treasure will be yours!”. 

The picture shows a Lotus 2-Eleven, and I guess we need to win a race in Rivals to clear this.

I tuned mine a tad, the share code is 113867282. Drag may be the way forward… As is picking the slowest of your friends!

The location of the Treasure chest is shown below, and it contains 250,000 credits.

Forza Horizon 5 Series 33 Summer Treasure
Forza Horizon 5 Series 33 Summer Treasure
Forza Horizon 5 Series 33 Summer Treasure Location
Forza Horizon 5 Series 33 Summer Treasure Location

Horizon Arcade – Mini Games

This week it is time to do a bit of the Arcade Mini Games. Choose from Drift, Air, Speed, Wreckage and Chaos, and try to complete all three rounds. 

I can’t suggest a tune as it depends on what you choose, but join in and have fun!

The reward? A massive 3 points towards the weekly totals. Well worth the investment of time.

The Eliminator – Battle Royale

We have to try to survive into the top 30 players for a change, and however you do it, keep your nose clean and you’ll be okay.

We can win a new Forzalink phrase, “Never tell me the odds!”.

Part 4: Hot Wheels Events

If you have the Hot Wheels expansion and are an Elite Level player, then you get to enjoy a couple of extra events.

Seasonal PR Stunt – Speed Zone – Frozen Rush

Get in a Pickup or 4X4 car, tuned to A Class 800 and start racing around!

I used the Ford Raptor from 2017 and the share code is : 251216374, while the average speed we need to achieve is 142 MPH. Approach from the north so the zone is downhill to help.

A Super Wheelspin is your reward. 

Seasonal Championship – Pickup the Pace

We need to use the same car and class as above, so I used the same Raptor. Save the pennies, right?

Completing the championship will get us a Rally Fighter.

Part 5: Rally Adventure Events

The Rally Adventure expansion brings even more events to the roster and provided you are already a Horizon Badlands champion, you’ll get access to the following couple of events… 

Seasonal PR Stunt – Speed Trap – Canyon Rush

Get ready to go in an Alfa Romeo, any in fact, as you look to blaze the trap at over 155 mph to win. Tuning Limit is A Class 800.

I used the 33 Stradale. Tthe share name is “AR33” and the GT is Red620Ti.

The prize is another Super Wheelspin. You know, those things we really don’t need… 

Seasonal Championship – O Romeo, Romeo

Guess what we need this time? Yep, an Alfa Romeo tuned to A Class again, 800. I went with a 33 Stradale again.

For winning either solo or in a convoy, it is a car horn – Predator Howl.

The rewards for Series 33 and Summer in Forza Horizon 5

With Series 33 just kicking off, we need to start saving up those points to get our hands on the cars for the month. And they are the Pro Stock Camaro for 80 points and a Hot Wheels Trans Am for 160. Start as you mean to go on!

Even more Rivals circuits have now been added with Series 33 as well. There are four to try your hand at this month – Sierra Verde Sprint, Bahia De Plano Circuit, Bola Ocho Circuit and finally Los Jardines Circuit. Post a clean lap on each to score 4 whole points towards the prize cars.

Grab enough points and Series 33 Summer also sees you given access to the exclusive #66 Ford GT for 20 points. Additionally, for 40 points we can get a Corvette Z06 from 2023, a hard to find car apparently. 

To enjoy these events in the Festival Playlist Weekly Challenges, you’ll need a copy of Forza Horizon 5. It’s available on Game Pass, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PC and on the cloud via mobile. The Xbox Store will sort you out with a download. 

Let us know in the comments if I have helped, hindered or missed the mark with these tunes.

Don’t get crabby – Another Crab’s Treasure is on Game Pass, Xbox and more!

Another Crabs Treasure keyart
Another Crabs Treasure is on Game Pass, Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, PC

A Souls-like in which we play as a little crab looking to get their old life back? Yeah, we didn’t expect Another Crab’s Treasure to be anything but mad. 

Available today as the latest addition to the Game Pass service, as well as playing out across digital storefronts for Xbox Series X|S, PS5, Nintendo Switch and PC is Another Crab’s Treasure. It’s from the Aggro Crab team as they provide players with a crustacean-themed Souls-like. 

A crustacean-y Souls-like

Game Pass should be the way to go to get in on the Another Crab’s Treasure adventure. Drop in and you’ll find yourself frequenting an underwater world that is on the verge of collapse. It’s here where you play as a little hermit crab, Kril, navigating your way around, in hope of picking up the trash you need to be able to survive in the cut-throat world. It’s that trash which will become your shell, as the hunt for your real shield gets real. 

From the trailer and screenshots, you may not see Another Crab’s Treasure as a Souls-like, but that’s exactly what we have here. And you know what that means? Yep, a challenging game that will focus on some proper combat, as you smite your foes with the most powerful of magic.

Will you find the skills needed to help little Kril survive?

Key features

  • Challenging yet approachable soulslike combat 
  • A grand undersea world to explore 
  • Over 50 shells to try on and fend off attackers 
  • Smite your enemies with powerful Umami Magic 
  • Way Too Many Crabs 

Another Crab’s Treasure will be helped along by a stellar voice cast too – expect fun performances from popular content creators Michael Reeves and Gianni Matragrano, as well as voice actor Zuwie LeFou as the anxious and unlikely hero of this story.  

Buy now!

You can download and play Another Crab’s Treasure via Game Pass, or through a standard purchase. The Xbox Store will sort you out if you’re playing on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S or PC. 

Alternatively, Another Crab’s Treasure is also on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. 

Let us know how you decide to pick this one up, and let us know about your experience in the comments below. We’ll follow with a full review of Another Crab’s Treasure on Xbox Series X|S as soon as we can. 

Another Crab’s Treasure Description

A soulslike adventure set in a crumbling underwater world. In this uniquely colorful soulslike, Kril the hermit crab must wear trash as shells to survive a dangerous undersea world on the verge of collapse. Hone your skills, defeat lethal predators, and embark on a treasure hunt to decide the fate of the ocean. The second game from Aggro Crab.

Zombies, Aliens and Guns Review


Can a twin-stick shooter be relaxing? Ask us yesterday and we would have said no. But having played our way through Zombies, Aliens and Guns, front-to-back in one sitting, we are tempted to say yes, it absolutely can. 

It might seem like a backhanded compliment, and it’s intended that way. Because it encapsulates a lot of what we liked about Zombies, Aliens and Guns, and also what we didn’t. This is a run-and-gunner that does everything it can to make both its running and gunning simple and entertaining. It’s got nary a frustration in its two hour runtime. But it also failed to really challenge us, and its enemies rarely surprised us either. We ate it up and disposed of it like a mystery-meat burger.

Zombies Aliens and Guns review 2
There are zombies…

We should clarify that ‘rarely surprised us’ statement. Because Zombies, Aliens and Guns is very, very capable of dishing up interesting ideas. Take the way the game is structured, for example: instead of selecting a level and strutting in, you’re strapped in for a rollercoaster. Each level follows thematically from the last (we’d hesitate to call it a story, as there’s not much in that way of plot or dialogue), but there’s no stopping for breath, and what you do in each level is surprisingly varied. In one level you can be hunting for hostages, while another will put you in the back of a boat, firing at zombies that splash towards you. It’s got a relentlessness that’s really endearing.

The lack of surprise is very much pointed at the enemies. Zombies, Aliens and Guns doesn’t have a huge number of them, and it’s eager to show you them from the get-go. Dozens of levels pass without a new enemy added, and we felt like it was a slightly too realistic interpretation of a zombie infestation: mowing down hordes of faceless enemies without really changing much about how we did it.

Not that shooting the zombies isn’t fun. Zombies, Aliens and Guns takes the approach of making 90% of them one-shottable. You might be surrounded by a hundred zombies, but you can thin them out pretty quickly with a shotgun (a gun that we started out hating, but soon learned was fab once we stopped holding the trigger down). They pop in a fountain of claret, making you feel unutterably cool as a result. Very rarely do you get bogged down in Zombies, Aliens and Guns, and that gives it a slick momentum. You’re tobogganing through the dead.

Zombies Aliens and Guns review 1
There are aliens…

But here comes the backhandedness again. Because while it is enjoyable, it’s not varied. Even the more gnarly enemies, such as a Creeper-like dude who fires in a circle around itself and an alien who swoops in on a UFO are defeated in largely the same manner: you need to strafe around in a circle. It’s a tale as old as twin-stick time, but we longed for just a little more depth.

And it’s not challenging – at least not for the greatest proportion of levels. Bosses are easy (and sometimes duplicated) but the encounter is stretched out through long life bars. Enemies are only really challenging if they surprise you (all too possible with a zoomed-in camera that makes zombies coming from the south, in particular, late to spot) and if there’s a lot of them. They’re the only levers that Zombies, Aliens and Guns can use to introduce difficulty spikes.

Actually, scratch that, Zombies, Aliens and Guns can be difficult in one unintended way. It’s particularly poor at telling you what you need to do. Sure, an arrow nudges you in certain directions, but important information is neglected. Are enemies infinite? In some levels they are, and it takes a little time (and some health) before you might realise whether it’s the case in a given level. In one level, we were escorting a train, protecting it from zombies, only to realise – after the third retry – that we were meant to destroy the train. You could have given us a clue, Zombies, Aliens and Guns.

The thing is, as we look up from writing, we realise that we’ve painted a pretty bleak picture of Zombies, Aliens and Guns. And that’s unfair, because it’s downplaying the sheer breeziness of it. Killing zombies, no matter how continuously, does plaster a big old smile onto the face. We wouldn’t say that it doesn’t get old, but it’s close. And the constant switching up of the levels means that there’s rarely a dull moment. Vehicle stages, bosses and various flavours of escort mission are all packed into a reasonably stuffed suitcase.

Zombies Aliens and Guns review 3
And there are guns!

Which is to say that we blitzed through Zombies, Aliens and Guns in one go. And that’s rarely a negative, particularly for a game that is medium-sized rather than short. It must be doing something right, then, and no amount of faceless zombies can smother that. 

In zombie media terms, then, Zombies, Aliens and Guns isn’t ponderous like a Walking Dead, funny like a Shaun of the Dead or cerebral like a Last of Us. Instead, it’s a big, dumb Army of the Dead, and it will be just as forgettable once it’s over. If you like your zombie-killing easy and brainless then Zombies, Aliens and Guns will scratch an open wound.

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles announced with release date

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles keyart
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles is coming

Bandai Namco have today announced the first console and PC game of the Tensura series – that of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles. And it’s coming this August. 

Currently in the works and set to release on August 8th 2024, That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles is an action-RPG for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. It’s also coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch and PC.

A new RPG

In That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles, players will follow leader Rimuru Tempest and companions as they build a nation, the Jura Tempest Federation, from the ground up and develop it.

Playing out as a 2D side-scrolling RPG, it follows the original story, including the encounters with the Kijin and the battle against the Kingdom of Falmuth, making it a great way for newcomers to discover the universe. It also includes two additional exclusive stories supervised by the original author, Fuse.

Expect new characters designed by the original illustrator of the series to go along with these new stories, creating a fresh experience that longtime fans will be sure to enjoy! And should you think about leaving town, players will discover the world of Tempest through exploration, where heated battles against foes and bosses await alongside dynamic combos and techniques from the anime. They will also be able to take on sub-quests when back in town, helping their companions, strengthening their relationships and fighting skills at the same time.

Get ready for August

That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime ISEKAI Chronicles is set to release August 8th 2024 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Nintendo Switch and PC.

For now, take in the trailer and let us know if you’ll be picking this up. 

Assault Suit Leynos 2 Saturn Tribute releases on Xbox

Assault Suit Leynos 2 Saturn Tribute
Assault Suit Leynos 2 Saturn Tribute is on Xbox

There have been a number of old-school retro releases land on Xbox over the last few years, with the CITY CONNECTION team behind the majority of them. It’s that stable who are adding Assault Suit Leynos 2 Saturn Tribute to the library. 

Available right now on Xbox is Assault Suit Leynos 2 Saturn Tribute. It’s playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S for a – if you ask us, pretty hefty – £20.99. You may feel that price is worth a shot though. 

CITY CONNECTION’s latest Saturn Tribute

Dive in and Assault Suit Leynos 2 Saturn Tribute does pretty much as it says on the tin. It places you into an old Assault Suit, heading to the future in hope of saving mankind. Having first released to the gaming world back in 1997, this Saturn Tribute of Assault Suit Leynos 2 may well appeal to many. 

it comes to Xbox with all new features, making it a more relevant fit for modern gaming audiences. You’ve got save and load options, you’ve got a ‘tips’ function and there’s the opportunity to rewind if things come to a head. Basically though, this is a game that will let you blast through an adventure like there is no tomorrow. And there’s always a place in life for that. 

If you have liked what CITY CONNECTION have delivered to Xbox previously, maybe with the releases of BATSUGUN Saturn Tribute or the absolute mouthful that is Puzzle Bobble 2X/BUST-A-MOVE 2 Arcade Edition & Puzzle Bobble 3/BUST-A-MOVE 3 S-Tribute, then you know what to do here. 

Buy now!

Yep, the Xbox Store awaits. It’ll provide the download of Assault Suit Leynos 2 Saturn Tribute that you need. Just remember, it’s going to cost you £20.99!

Assault Suit Leynos 2 Saturn Tribute Description

In the 2120s, humanity’s primary spatial weapon is a humanoid weapon called the “Assault Suit”. These robots move at high speed, jump high, and shoot accurately thanks to the AIM system. Enter your Assault Suit and win this war!

Inspired by Quake and DOOM, Wrath: Aeon of Ruin blasts onto Xbox, PlayStation, Switch

WRATH Aeon of Ruin keyart
WRATH Aeon of Ruin is now on Xbox, PlayStation and Switch

Wrath: Aeon of Ruin has come about via some old classical inspiration. If you liked Quake, DOOM, Hexen or the like, then you’re going to love this as it blasts onto Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. 

Available right now across the usual digital storefronts, Wrath: Aeon of Ruin has previously landed on PC and VR. Now it comes to console, with Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S play right up our street. 

Inspired by the classics

Priced at £24.99, Wrath: Aeon of Ruin is from a four-teamer – Slipgate Ironworks, KillPixel Games, 3D Realms and Fulqrum Publishing. Having you play as ‘Outlander’, you’ll find yourself cast adrift, left in the Ageless Sea and a dying world. With narrative, story and lore kicking in, your task will be to head off into the world, uncover secrets and battle horrors. You know, standard gaming fare. 

Thankfully in Wrath: Aeon of Ruin you’ll be kitted out for the job. Weaponry will be front and cetnre, powerful artifacts ready to be drawn on. And you’ll need to use them too, as various biomes and areas get traversed. This is a vast world, but it’s also one that looks to lean on elements of some of the greatest of all games. See, Wrath: Aeon of Ruin has been inspired by old-school DOOM, Quake from years back. If those 1990’s shooters were your bag, we see no reason to not jump in and get wielding…

Key features

Take a look at the key feature set of Wrath: Aeon of Ruin on Xbox, PlayStation and Switch. It’ll give a decent little insight into what is on offer. 

  • Travel with the Shepherd of Wayward Souls across 3 unique hubs and 15 maps
  • Explore a vast world shrouded in darkness, passionately crafted by the hands of longtime veterans of the Quake scene.
  • Lay waste to 15 unique enemies lurking in the shadows, thirsting for your blood.
  • Defeat the 3 Godlike Guardians of the Old World
  • Exert your dominance through the aggressive dance of combat with 10 unique artifacts
  • Comb each level thoroughly, uncovering secrets to help you survive
  • Immerse yourself in haunting music born from the twisted mind of Andrew Hulshult (Quake Champions, Dusk, Amid Evil and DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods Part One).

Buy now!

Sold? Great. Hit up your favoured digital storefront and grab a purchase of Wrath: Aeon of Ruin right now. For us Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S players, it’s the Xbox Store that should provide full access. Alternatively, PlayStation, Switch and PC (Steam) players will be suitably catered for. 

Keep an eye out for our full review of Wrath: Aeon of Ruin on Xbox Series X|S soon. 

Wrath: Aeon of Ruin Description

You are Outlander. Once adrift upon the Ageless Sea, you now find yourself on the shores of a dying world. From the consuming darkness emerges a figure cloaked in white: the Shepherd of Wayward Souls, who burdens you with the task of hunting down the remaining Guardians of the Old World. You must journey into the vast gloom to explore ancient ruins, discover forgotten secrets and battle the horrors that lurk within.

Equipped with weapons of exceptional might and an inventory of powerful artifacts, you must traverse ancient crypts, sunken ruins, corrupted temples and howling forests to bring death to your enemies. But do not underestimate your adversaries, for they are great in power and number. Your mind must be as sharp as your blade if you hope to survive the dangers ahead.

The veins of WRATH pump with the DNA of revered ’90s shooters. The world of WRATH is rich with engaging combat, diverse environments and captivating lore. Every element is deftly intertwined to create an authentic and enchanting experience as timeless as the games that inspired it.

Build your empire with Farm Tycoon on Xbox!

Farm Tycoon
Ready to build your farming empire

Say what you like, but virtual farming is big business. And that means the release of Farm Tycoon onto the Xbox ecosystem should most definitely appeal. 

Available right now as the latest farming game to land on Xbox is Farm Tycoon. It’s playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, fully optimised for newer consoles, all thanks to the teams at Console Labs, SONKA, Cleversan Games and PlayWay – that’s a foursome who should have enough about them to deliver a cracking farming experience. 

Build your empire

Priced at £16.74, Farm Tycoon is quite probably cheap enough for it to be considered punt territory. Should you have previously enjoyed the likes of the genre leader of Farming Simulator, this one should be able to deliver a different experience. 

As you may expect, in Farm Tycoon you get to create your own farmstead, building out a business, selling your goods as best you can. Whether it be livestock or crops, Farm Tycoon will allow for you to go about business as best you can; however you see fit. And the harder you work, the more you’ll be successful, expanding to ventures new. 

There’s a ton going on in Farm Tycoon as it releases on Xbox; buildings to consider, stock to level, animals to tend to, crops to sow. And there will also be weather conditions to keep an eye on, with a photo mode coming into its own as you look to show off to your friends. 

Buy now!

If it’s farming you want, without the need to grab for the wellies, Farm Tycoon on Xbox should be purchased, downloaded and played from the Xbox Store. Remember, it’s available across Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. 

Let us know if you decide to pick it up. Those comments are below.

Farm Tycoon Description

Manage your own farm in the game Farm Tycoon! Expand your farm business, produce cheap and sell your products at high prices. Control the land cultivation process, select the best employees, buy the most appropriate farm equipment, raise livestock and process the harvested crops. Various camera modes allow you to enter into a strategic view as well as to look at the world through the eyes of the employee. Respond to the changing weather and seasons. Create a greenhouse to sell crops in early spring. Buy new and used special agricultural machinery to quickly harvest and sell crops before their expiration date. Optimize costs and employ seasonal workers only during the harvest time. Accept challenges from neighbors to prove who is the best farmer in the area. 

Tips and Strategies for Trading CS2 Skins Effectively


Understanding how to get skins in CS2 can be confusing, especially if you’re new to trading. But don’t worry, even experienced players sometimes miss important tips that could make their trades better. In this article, we’ll talk about simple skin trading strategies to help you succeed. But first, let’s go back to the basics and remind ourselves of some important things. Ready to learn how to trade like a pro? Let’s go!

What is Skin Trading and How to Trade in CS2?

Trading skins in CS2 involves exchanging in-game items with other players, allowing you to diversify your inventory or obtain desired items. It’s a fundamental aspect of the game’s economy and player interaction.

To start a trade, you typically need to find another player interested in trading. This can be done through various channels, such as Steam’s built-in trading system, third-party trading websites, or community forums. Once you’ve found a trading partner, you select the items you want to trade from your inventory and propose a trade offer to your trading partner. Your trading partner will review the proposed trade offer and decide whether to accept, decline, or counter the offer with items of their own. If both parties agree on the terms of the trade, they can finalize the transaction. Once completed, the items are exchanged between their inventories, and the traded items are now owned by their respective new owners.

Best Practices in Skin Trading

There are several proven skin trading strategies that can simplify your journey. Let’s familiarize ourselves with them and explore how they can assist us.

To excel in skin trading, it’s crucial to stay abreast of market dynamics. This involves consistently monitoring prices, assessing the demand for specific items, and observing fluctuations in the market. Websites and forums tailored to skin trading offer valuable insights and data, empowering traders to make well-informed decisions. By keeping a finger on the pulse of market trends, traders can capitalize on opportunities and navigate potential risks more effectively.

Set Clear Trading Goals

Before diving into skin trading, it’s essential to establish clear goals and objectives. Whether your aim is to amass a certain value of skins, complete a specific collection, or maximize profits, defining your trading goals provides a roadmap for your trading endeavors. These goals serve as guiding principles, directing your trading activities and helping you maintain focus amidst market uncertainties.

Practice Risk Management

Effective risk management is paramount in skin trading to safeguard investments and minimize potential losses. Implementing risk management strategies involves setting predefined limits on the amount of capital allocated to trading, establishing stop-loss levels, and exercising caution when engaging in high-risk transactions. By adhering to prudent risk management practices, traders can navigate the unpredictable nature of the market with greater confidence and resilience.

Why is Security an Important Factor in Skin Trading?

Fraud cases and scams are unfortunately quite frequent occurrences in the skin trading community. These malicious activities can take various forms, including phishing attempts, middleman scams, account hijacking, and counterfeit item sales. Scammers often target unsuspecting traders with enticing offers or deceptive tactics to trick them into relinquishing valuable items or personal information.

Security Measures: Security in skin trading is paramount to protect oneself from scams, fraud, and other malicious activities prevalent in the trading community. Here’s how traders can safeguard themselves:

Use Secure Platforms: Conduct trades on reputable and secure platforms that offer robust security measures. Stick to well-known trading websites and forums with a proven track record of facilitating safe transactions.

Verify Trading Partners: Before engaging in a trade, verify the identity and reputation of your trading partner. Check their trading history, reputation scores, and feedback from other traders to ensure they are trustworthy.

Beware of Phishing Attempts: Be wary of phishing attempts where scammers impersonate legitimate trading platforms or users to steal login credentials or valuable items. Always double-check URLs, emails, and messages for authenticity before sharing sensitive information.

Avoid Middleman Scams: Beware of middleman scams, where a fraudulent third party offers to facilitate a trade but ends up stealing items or funds. Only use trusted middlemen recommended by reputable trading communities, and always confirm their identity and reputation beforehand.

Use Secure Payment Methods: When conducting trades involving real money, use secure payment methods with buyer protection, such as PayPal or cryptocurrency transactions. Avoid direct bank transfers or cash transactions, as they offer little recourse in case of fraud.

Best Skins to Trade

Skins are at the heart of CS2 trading, making selecting the right ones a top priority. Here are some noteworthy skins worth your attention:

AK-47 | Fuel Injector

Belonging to the Fuel Injector series, the AK-47 | Fuel Injector boasts a futuristic design that exudes sophistication. Its Covert rarity makes acquiring this skin a significant challenge. Notably, the AK-47 | Fuel Injector offers a Stattrak option, allowing players to monitor the kills accomplished with the weapon. The skin’s elevated community ranking underscores its popularity among players, driving up its price further due to heightened demand in the market.

Butterfly Knife | Doppler Ruby

The Butterfly Knife | Doppler Ruby stands out as a highly sought-after knife skin adorned with vibrant colors on its blade. Offering the StatTrak feature, this skin’s Factory New variant, equipped with this enhancement, commands a trading price of approximately $15,000. It belongs to the exclusive “Butterfly Knife | Doppler” series and while not the rarest, it ranks among the priciest skins in the collection.

USP-S | Printstream

Despite experiencing a significant decrease in value, dropping by more than five times, USP-S | Printstream remains popular among players and in high demand. Many experts within the CS2 community view the USP-S | Printstream as currently undervalued, presenting an enticing opportunity for investment. With the potential for its price to rebound and generate substantial returns in the near future, it stands as a compelling choice for investors.


Feeling like a pro skin trader yet? You should, because now you know everything a skin trader needs to know. From the basics to the best practices for success. So, pick a channel, check your inventory, and start trading those skins. Enjoy the thrill of the trade!

The time has come – It’s the Age of Water on Xbox, PlayStation and PC

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Age of Water – on Xbox, PlayStation and PC

Been sailing the high seas with Sea of Thieves? Taken in the treasures of DREDGE? Uncovered the secrets of Skull & Bones? We’ve finally now reached the Age of Water – as it releases on Xbox, PlayStation and PC. 

It’s the Age of Water

Available right now from the Three Wales Studio and Gaijin teams, Age of Water sees you taking on the role of a captain, heading out into the high seas. A post-apocalyptic Earth is the setting, as the floods come in, submerging everything around. It’s here where your adventure awaits, taking to the waves, going into the deep, all in hope of surviving long enough to reveal the secrets of the watery world. 

An open world sailing affair, Age of Water is playable on Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5 and PC. Allowing players the opportunity to utilise various ships, to take in the most fierce of naval battles and to survive in a pirate-fuelled world, if you’ve got your sea legs, you’ll want to take this in. 

Key features

Both PvE and PvP options are on the table in Age of Water, as the world evolves around you. The key features are well worth taking in…

  • Water post-apocalypse – The ocean destroyed a once great civilization, but people survived and adapted. They built settlements on the roofs of tall buildings and the tops of other man-made structures. People travel across the ocean in tiny boats and huge combat vessels. The ocean provides everything they need, including extractable resources on the seabed. And yet, the dream of real land is still alive.
  • True open world – Explore the world at your own pace, discover new settlements and meet their inhabitants. Complete tasks, search for and extract valuable resources from the bottom of the ocean, earn money on trade or simply sell the artifacts you have obtained, and when you get the idea of how this world works, build your own base.
  • Hundreds of unique ships – Build boats from scratch or modify existing ones. Players have access to dozens of hulls and hundreds of parts, from which they can assemble anything ranging from a small boat to a hefty vessel 30 meters long, and then install equipment, armor and weapons. It’s important not to forget to gather a team of good crewmembers so that there is someone to stand behind machine guns and cannons or do other work on board.
  • Fierce naval battles – Pirates are always waiting for you at sea, and in some cases more aggressive players even start to chase you, so do not forget to install enough guns on your deck. You can destroy an enemy vessel, or you can capture it in battle and take it for yourself forever. Adventures might also get you into storming enemy fortresses and defending allied settlements!
  • Personal naval base – This shelter is reliably protected from enemies, and it allows a player to organize the production of everything that the captain may need on it. Build factories for the production of equipment, weapons, hulls for boats of all sizes, as well as the necessary resources.
  • Flexible balance between PvE and PvP – At first, you will only meet computer opponents, but later you can challenge other players if you are confident enough in your skills and gear. Always be on the lookout: if your task is to transport illegal goods, then other players may well take the quest to hunt smugglers. In Age of Water, everyone decides for themself who they are today – a peaceful traveler or a bloodthirsty pirate.

Buy now!

You’ll find Age of Water on the Xbox Store, playable on Xbox Series X|S. In fact, you’ll find three different versions in place, with the Standard Edition costing £26.99. From there, Age of Water – Silver Edition will set you back £35.99, adding in additional Corks, Medallions, boats and more. And rounding things off is the Age of Water – Gold Edition for £44.99; again, this ups everything available through the Silver Edition to give an even deeper experience. 

Expect to find similar offerings on PlayStation 5 and PC via Steam

Just remember, Age of Water is a current-gen only title – there is no Xbox One play available here. 

Want a review? We’ll provide some thoughts once we’ve been hands-on with Age of Water on Xbox Series X|S. 

Age of Water Description

Become a sea captain of a post-apocalyptic Earth completely covered in water and go on an adventure in a huge open world. Sail through storms, fight and trade, capture other people’s boats or build your own, extract resources from the bottom of the ocean, reveal the secrets of the Age of Water world.

Head underground with Metro Simulator 2 on Xbox

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Metro Simulator 2 stops off on Xbox

In perhaps what is the simulator sequel nobody was asking for, it’s time to head underground once more. Yep, ready to ride the Metro Simulator 2 train onto Xbox?

Available today on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S is Metro Simulator 2.

From KishMish Games and Ultimate Games, this is the follow-up to 2021’s Metro Simulator. Whilst that game may not have quite found the appeal of a Train Sim World, it wasn’t a bad little playthrough, with our 3.5/5 review summed up neatly – ‘You have to admire the dedication and attention to detail of those behind Metro Simulator; a team who obviously love the Moscow Metro.

Ready to go back with Metro Simulator 2 on Xbox?

Now it’s all about going back. In Metro Simulator 2 you’ll find a faithful recreation of the metro and trains of the metro system, promising a relaxing, yet realistic, sim. Previously having popped on PC and Nintendo Switch, with a PlayStation version to follow, if you’re an Xbox simhead, this should be one to consider. 

Giving you the opportunity to become a train driver on the Moscow metro again, in Metro Simulator 2 you’ll get to take in both a free play mode (freedom!) as well as set scenarios, working fixed timetables, conditions and more. 

There are a couple of trains to take in, whilst the metro is made up of some 24 stations and a whole maze of tunnels and facilities. This time around, the development team have included a real-world based speed control system, as you look to steer away fro collisions and the suchlike. Of course, you should be paying attention to the traffic lights, but if you’re anything like us… 

Key features

  • a realistic subway simulator;
  • faithfully reproduced train controls;
  • relaxing gameplay;
  • metro with 24 stations;
  • 2 different trains

Buy now!

You’ll find Metro Simulator 2 on the Xbox Store. It’s playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S for £16.74. It’s also on Switch and PC (Steam), with it coming to PlayStation in the months ahead. 

Metro Simulator 2 Description

Metro Simulator 2 is a unique game featuring recreated Moscow Metro and realistic train controls

Outer Terror Review

Vampire Survivors has a lot to answer for. The seemingly simple recipe of waves and hordes of creatures coming to attack you, while all you need to do is move about has spawned a number of copycats; none of which have been as good as the source material. 

The latest game to throw its hat into the ring is Outer Terror, and comes from a team up of Ratalaika Games and Salt & Pixel / VoxPop Games. So, the question that we have to ask is this – can this out survive Vampire Survivors, or it just another also ran? Well, with a pleasing comic book vibe, it might just stand a chance…

Outer Terror review 1
Going up against Vampire Survivors…

In terms of story and Outer Terror is a bit of an odd one – as there are in effect five different stories, one for each of the game’s chapters. These are set-up nicely using a comic book style, each being different from the next. There is no overarching narrative, but nevertheless the stories on display are pretty good. 

And so we get onto the presentation and here the news is somewhat mixed. The way that each of the levels is introduced is really good, with that comic book intro showcasing who the people are that are involved, and that also sets up the story of the level; these are really well done. The inspiration for the game apparently comes from the Golden Age of horror comics, which took place in the 80’s and 90’s (according to this, anyway). However, once you get into the actual levels and start playing, the news is not quite so good – the sprites are large and very blocky, as are the enemies that you face. In fact, the larger the enemy, the weirder the effect is and it appears that the foes are 2D in a sort of 3D world. The whole effect looks a bit like Paper Mario – wafer thin sprites wandering about the place; while it is bearable, it isn’t great. 

The camera is also very easily confused, especially if a building or a large foe blocks your view, as you really cannot see what is going on. The camera is also deadly when playing in two player mode, as it doesn’t zoom out when the two players get a distance apart, both left at the edge of the screen, unable to see what is coming their way. Worse still, if one player has to put the controller down for a moment whilst the other player keeps running, the second character is kind of dragged along – into out of bounds areas sometimes. When this happens, the screen starts to vibrate wildly, which is disconcerting to say the least. Polish? Not included it seems. 

Outer Terror review 3
What does a grenade do?

The sound and audio aspects are very much okay though, with nice tunes and the obligatory sounds of gunfire and screams when someone gets hurt or dies. 

Onto the gameplay itself, and if you have played Vampire Survivors then you will be right at home here. Outer Terror plays as an auto shooter, where the closest enemy gets hit by your weapons. There is however the ability to direct the fire in a certain direction, which is great for fighting the boss characters that appear at the end of each chapter. Each enemy that is defeated provides EXP points, and when you have collected enough, your character will level up. When this happens, you have the choice of choosing one of three possible upgrades – these can be new weapons, enhancements to your existing weapons, or perks that will help you stay alive, such as body armour or a health pack that will heal you for a certain amount. This system works quite well, and it isn’t afraid of borrowing ideas. The “Aura of Pain” is remarkably similar to the Garlic from Vampire Survivors, for instance. 

As you go through the story of the level, you will occasionally meet survivors who need your help, in effect giving you side missions to take on. These can be anything, from talking to a certain person, through to killing a giant mutated bunny rabbit – and yes, these are as crazy as they sound. Wandering around also has the side effect of filling in the mini map as you go, and there are usually points of interest marked on the map too, so it is worth exploring. 

From there, it is very much a case of rinse and repeat – wander about, kill stuff, level up, kill more stuff and so on and so forth. However, one nice roguelike part is that of the upgrade shop, where for a certain amount of gold (dropped by monsters as they are defeated) come unlockable perks that will help you to survive longer next time. These can be anything from extra health, through adding fire effects to your main weapon, to allowing you to have an extra arm and wield a third weapon – these can make a big difference to the game. 

Outer Terror review 2
Bit of 2-player action

I must say, I’m not totally convinced that the balance is right between the cost of the upgrades and the amount of gold you can collect – after finishing the first level in co-op, we had a massive 684 coins. The cheapest good upgrade is 1250, so a lot of grinding is needed to ensure you turn into a killing machine. 

For the most part, Outer Terror is a pretty good game with a hook that keeps you coming back. There is a lot to do, various different characters to choose from, each with a different loadout, and the gameplay, while basic, is fun. Two player mode needs more work, especially in terms of the camera, but it is worth taking in. 

With a little more polish Outer Terror could have been a contender. As things stand, it is short of the utter addiction found in Vampire Survivors. It does a job, but is nowhere near as life consuming. 

Tales of Kenzera: ZAU Review

There are times when we get an interesting backstory to how a game is made, and what it has been inspired by before we even play it. 

In Tales of Kenzera: ZAU that backstory is very moving indeed, with game director Abubakar Salim telling of his late father’s passing; the inspiration for the game. The true dedication and exuberance by Salim when talking about this project is infectious, as are all the other contributors; from games design to the outstanding composer. It’s one of those games you just hope will be good, especially once you’ve learnt about how it came together.  

Tales of Kenzera: ZAU is a Metroidvania game about coming to terms with grief and loss. It is a story within a story, and the game starts in a futuristic city set in the land of Kenzera. Here a grieving son reads a story about a shaman named Zau who makes a bargain with the God of death to get his father back. So off they both go on a magical quest full of danger, myth and adventure. 

Tales of Kenzera ZAU review 1
A wonderful storytelling experience

The storytelling is fantastic all the way through. The relationship and writing between Zau and the God of death is warm, funny, and poignant at all the right times. The tales and world-building from African culture are well imagined, inspiring, while being thoroughly absorbing at times. There are some amazing characters you meet along the way.

However, there are parts of me that feel sorry for Tales of Kenzera: ZAU, if only because we’ve just recently had a similar game in Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown. That is a stronger Metroidvania adventure.  

Gameplay-wise you control Zau through a series of biomes and levels with main goals to achieve and secrets to find. The gameplay is fast and furious. Exploration-wise you zoom around, jumping off walls, double jumping in the air, sliding under obstacles. You will soon need nerves of steel to avoid traps and death, using your head to carefully plot your way through the levels. 

And as in games of this genre, there are places you will find on your map that require you to come back later, all when you have the requisite skills to tackle it. There are special areas called ‘Echos’ to find which reveal parts of the story for you to listen to and read. There are also some really nice set pieces, like a chase section through a shadow land that is extremely impressive. 

Tales of Kenzera ZAU review 2
Take in the world around you

The combat works great, allowing you to make the most of two distinguishable styles, according to the different masks you wear. The Moon mask gives a different skill set but is more ranged-focused and the Sun mask brings forth more hardcore melee tactics. Each one has a special attack which you can use sporadically. I enjoyed switching between the two different styles and combat overall is fast and fun. It does get more challenging as you progress but at all times Tales of Kenzera feels a bit more forgiving than other games of this type. You get special skills as you progress too – like the ability to freeze enemies which is a handy tactic to have. 

Visually, Tales of Kenzera: ZAU is charming, full of vibrant colours and fascinating biomes. The characters and enemies close up aren’t anything amazing, but on the whole it does a good job. Mostly, I liked the little cutscenes and there’s no doubt that the game can handle the fast furious pace of the action well. 

And soundwise is an amazing score by Nainita Desai which plays beautifully with the action but also adds to the wonder, engaging with the environment. The voice acting is superb as well, which gives the script verve, life and comedy throughout. 

Tales of Kenzera ZAU review 3
Thrills and spills

Tales of Kenzera: ZAU is a Metroidvania that comes with a heartwarming story, lovely visuals, and exciting gameplay. The main problem it has is that of Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown sitting in the background – that has more tricks up its sleeve. But if you want a shorter experience, maybe a less challenging one complete with a ton of thrills and spills, then Tales of Kenzera: ZAU is a good option to have. 

Keep on climbing – Insurmountable conquers Xbox, PlayStation and Switch

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Insurmountable – get climbing on Xbox, PlayStation and Switch

Over the last few years, Insurmountable has slowly and surely gathered up some love on PC. But now it’s time for Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo Switch to head up, all as they look to conquer Insurmountable. 

Available today after previously being exclusive to PC is Insurmountable. It’s now on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, as well as PlayStation and NIntendo Switch. This is a mountaineering adventure roguelite in which you play the role of a solo mountaineer, looking to make it to the top. 

Of course, what with this being a ‘game’ and all that, there’s much more to things than climbing. And much like in the brilliant Jusant, story plays out – this time focusing on time loops and madness. 

Insurmountable on console

Insurmountable comes from ByteRockers’ Games. As it lands on console it see everything present on PC ripped over. Wherever you play though, you can be sure a tough adventure is at hand. Procedurally generated, in Insurmountable you’ll find a range of weather, a day and night cycle and a ton of the most randomly generated events. That means no two climbs will be the same – and there will be a host of stuff looking to put a stop to your journey. 

Thankfully in Insurmountable you’ll be given the opportunity to play as one of three characters. Each of these have differing skillsets and narratives. Expect that to be filled as you search the world, the caves, the ruins. You’ll need what you find too – as in Insurmountable the climb up will continue to build. 

Over the course of three mysterious stories, you will meet dangerous animals, overcome deadly abysses, encounter both sinister and well-meaning characters, who do not always have to be human. Face the sheer force of nature and keep your eyes on the summit to overcome the insurmountable.

Key features

  • No two climbs are alike
  • Procedurally generated mountains
  • Dynamic world with different weather effects
  • Mysterious story about time loops
  • Hundreds of events with ever-changing outcomes
  • Strategic gameplay in path finding, stat and equipment management
  • 3 characters with different abilities

Buy and play today

You’ll find Insurmountable on the Xbox Store, playable on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. It’s also on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. And of course, you can still play on PC through Steam if you so prefer. 

Stay tuned for a review of Insurmountable on Xbox from us. 

Insurmountable Description

Insurmountable is an adventure roguelike with permadeath, in which the player has to overcome huge mountains. Thanks to the procedurally created environment, no two climbs are the same. Make sure that your climber stays alive by always making sure that your vital values don’t get into the critical range. This task is made more difficult by a dynamic weather system, day/night changes and a multitude of randomly generated events, where you never know in advance how they will end. Your decisions matter….every single one. Because anyone could be your last.

Mark of the Deep is an ambitious action adventure inspired by Hollow Knight and Death’s Door

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Mark of the Deep – coming to PC and console

You may not have heard of the Mad Mimic team but as an indie developer popping out of Brazil, they have big plans. And most of those sit with the highly ambitious new action adventure of Mark of the Deep. It’s been inspired by some utter classics… 

Coming to PC and console

Mad Mimic from Brazil have previously worked magic with Dandy Ace and No Heroes Here. But next up is that of Mark of the Deep – a game that has been inspired by Hollow Knight, Death’s Door and more. 

Set to bring action adventuring to PC and console, Mark of the Deep is a narrative rich game which mixes in some decent ideas; namely exploration mechanics ripped from the Metroidvania scene, as well as combat from the best of Souls-like. 

Mark of the Deep focuses on the story of pirate Marcus “Rookie” Ramsey and his crew. They have disappeared on a mystical cursed island. On Rookie’s path to saving his gang will be several dangers, myths and legends and a hostile universe dominated by the nefarious figure who leads the cult of the Old Folks, masters of abyssal creatures and guardians of the fearsome holder of the secrets of eternal life: the Leviathan.

Key features promised in Mark of the Deep include

  • Dynamic and diverse gameplay: make the most of the combination of exploration and combat in a rich gameplay inspired by the legacy of cult metroidvania and acclaimed souls-like games. Experience an engaging mix of narrative + quests in an intensely immersive journey.
  • A new look at a fan-favorite universe: Witness the unprecedented look of a renowned Brazilian studio on one of the most exciting themes in pop culture: the universe of pirates.
  • An infinitely imaginative world: explore the birthplace of some of the world’s most powerful civilizations on an island worthy of famous pirate tales, with distinct biomes inhabited by  multiple  crews of enemies, abyssal creatures and threats characteristic of each environment.
  • An adventure full of secrets (and always expanding): dive head first into a non-linear exploration and chart your own path, adapting your plans, expanding your repertoire of skills and charting your journey towards the greatest achievements and the most intense challenges.
  • An ambitious and exciting indie game: with the recognized quality of Mad Mimic and using cutting-edge technology in programming, art, game design and more, Mark of the Deep is an indie game that combines intense authorial passion with the highest standards of production industry games.

Want more?

Sound good? Watch the announcement trailer below and let us know your thoughts. Mark of the Deep will be coming to PC and console, able to be wishlisted now on Steam

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