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Run and gun as Xeno Crisis brings twin stick arena mayhem to Xbox One


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For all the fancy visuals in the world, for all the deep hundred-hour long adventures you can go on, and for all the killstreaks you can muster up, sometimes it’s best to go old-school. With Xeno Crisis on Xbox One, that is exactly what you’ll be doing.

Available to purchase and download right now on Xbox One, Xeno Crisis started life as a new original title for the Mega Drive and Dreamcast, before seeing a Kickstarter funding campaign go great guns, allowing the small team at Bitmap Bureau the chance to push on with their old-school inspired arena shooter. With funding goals allowing for Nintendo Switch and and Steam ports, it’s now that we see the game arrive on Xbox One, following on from the recent resurgence in the classic arena shooting genre. 

Running with a price of £16.74, Xeno Crisis on Xbox One will see you – or you and a friend should you so wish – fall into the boots of a couple of marines, before heading off on a mission that sees you facing a deadly alien menace. Your objective? Get in, get destroying, and get out alive!

With multiple weapon types in play, a huge variety of alien adversaries, and a randomly generated stage design which will ensure you need to alter your strategy every time you play, for those looking to embrace the retro scene with a new (old) experience, then Xeno Crisis may well suffice.

As always the Xbox Store will be able to sort out a full download, whilst our upcoming review will no doubt be in place in a few days to deliver the finer details to how Xeno Crisis plays out. Keep an eye out for it.

Game Description:

Xeno Crisis is an arena shooter in which one or two players take control of battle-hardened marines embarking on a deadly mission to confront an alien menace and get home alive! Run and gun your way through thousands of adversaries as you explore the devastated research outpost, searching for survivors, and ultimately facing the origin of the outpost’s demise. Outpost 88 is divided into seven distinct areas, each being randomly generated with each play, meaning that your strategy must evolve on the fly if you’re to succeed in your mission. Collect dog-tags from vanquished enemies to upgrade your equipment between areas and look out for special weapons which will give you a momentary advantage.

Neil Watton
Neil Wattonhttps://www.thexboxhub.com/
An Xbox gamer since 2002, I bought the big black box just to play Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee. I have since loved every second of the 360's life and am now just as obsessed with the Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S - mostly with the brilliant indie scene that has come to the fore. Gamertag is neil363, feel free to add me to your list.
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