We’re back with another bumper edition of our weekly podcast, armed with all sorts of news and plenty of unbiased opinions on the latest games for your listening pleasure. Taking centre stage is the most recent Nintendo Direct focusing on indie games, but there’s also chatter about the turmoil at PlayStation. Furthermore, you can expect to hear thoughts regarding Rain on Your Parade, Hitchhiker, Yakuza 0, and more. So please, enjoy our new episode!
With William making his long-awaited return to the podcast, Gareth and James want to find out what he’s been up to. Aside from mentioning his studies, there’s vaccine delight for him while Gareth has worries concerning a Covid variant lurking on his doorstep. As always, James manages to swerve the conversation towards wrestling and specifically WrestleMania, before filling everyone in about a film called When Jeff Tried to Save the World.
And then attention turns to the games played over the past week, which features a real varied selection. Here, you’ll be able to get an insight on Xbox Game Pass addition Rain on Your Parade, the strange narrative of Hitchhiker, and the hilarious point and click adventure The Darkside Detective. On top of that, there are fresh thoughts in relation to Yakuza 0 and Outriders.
The final segment is a fairly lengthy rundown of the standout offerings from the Nintendo Direct Indie World presentation. Amongst the games included are Oxenfree 2, Road 96, OlliOlli World, Last Stop, The Longing, plus lots of others. That’s not all though, with just enough time to delve deep into the turmoil at PlayStation.
Feel free to comment on anything discussed in TheXboxHub Official Podcast Episode 76 or ask any questions for us to answer in future episodes!
As always, full show notes are available over at https://www.thexboxhub.com/podcast
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