So you’ve probably noticed this is going to cover a bit more than a week, three weeks in total to be precise. Due to the festive season it’s been a little quiet on the news front, with most people having a well earned break. Prepare yourself for the bumper edition of AWITH, there’s a few quality items worthy of your interest.
Way back at the start of the New Year there was a shock discovery on the Xbox Game Store where numerous Activision titles had been removed. Those that suffered were Marvel Games on Demand, seeing Deadpool that only arrived last year be taken down seemed a bit odd. Also among the list was a couple of the web slinger Spider-Man’s multiple outings and X-men’s mutant escapades. It does at least explain why all these where in the countdown sale at some point, I sure hope you picked one up if it caught your eye.
There was worldwide outrage this week amongst gamers who love to have a moan, this time at the expense of one of this year’s most anticipated games, Titanfall. A Respawn Entertainment representative let it be known via twitter that there’ll be a maximum player count of 6vs6. The fact A.I. are involved on top of that means there should be enough bodies around for exhilarating action. Having played Battlefield’s 32v32 mode, I reckon less will indeed be more, don’t worry yourselves people just embrace it.
Words cannot fully describe my personal feeling towards the WWE Network App coming to both Xbox consoles, even if it takes a whole year to get to the UK. WWE own such a massive collection of wrestling libraries featuring companies, that fans will have probably grown-up watching, that the on-demand side would be enough to throw my money at. The addition of scheduled programming is something I could only dream of. Bring on Hogan, Warrior, RVD, Sabu, Macho Man, Goldberg and so many more classic stars in classic matches. I can dig that.
Creativity within the gaming community is at an all time high with the introduction of Minecraft to consoles but this is surely just a stepping stone. The next step being Project Spark which launches a beta in February for Xbox One. The good news is they’re still accepting sign ups. Having the time is one thing, using this you should have the tools to create your own game from scratch. Exciting times ahead fellow gamers.
Finally, if you’re like me and have sampled or even finished nearly all of the current Xbox One games you’ll be willing more to be available to buy pretty quickly. There’s one on the way slightly sooner than planned, February 21st, in the form of Rayman Legends. Easily my favourite Xbox 360 title last year, it’ll be interesting to see how it transforms to Xbox One graphically and how the extra exclusive levels are to play.