HomeTheXboxHub News...Xbox Games with Gold for March 2022 brings two...

Xbox Games with Gold for March 2022 brings two new freebies to our shores


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Whilst it may still be in the shadow of its bigger Game Pass brother nowadays, Xbox Games with Gold soldiers on, and we will never say no to some free games. If you don’t know the deal, every month Xbox gamers are treated to four games, free of charge, to add to their digital shelves. The latest free games are now available.

At the start of March 2022, you could download 2008’s action RPG Sacred 2 Fallen Angel, as well as the truly excellent The Flame in the Flood. 

With the middle of the month, two more games enter the fray, however I’m afraid you have missed out on picking up Sacred 2 for free, as this deal expired on March the 15th. Luckily The Flame in the Flood is free until March the 31st. 

But, who are these newcomers to the party? Well, if it isn’t little old SpongeBob’s Truth or Square who has come through the door! We doubt you need reminding, but this title released onto the Xbox 360 back in 2009, and tells the tale of SpongeBob and friends tracking down the secret Krabby Patty recipe, all in order to make the Krusty Krab’s Eleventy Seventh’s anniversary one to remember.

Gameplay-wise, SpongeBob will be donning his best Kirby impression as he morphs into all manner of objects to navigate some dream-scape levels, and he can be accompanied with villain-turned-bestie Plankton as a co-op partner. SpongeBob’s Truth or Square can be downloaded for free from the 16th to the 31st of March via the Xbox Store, and is playable on Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

The party ain’t over however, until Street Power Soccer walks in.

Known as Street Power Football in the UK, this no-frills skills and thrills title released towards the back-end of 2020, and tasks you with donning your finest pair of Adidas Predators or Nike Total 90s and pulling off a number of football freestyle tricks. This takes place across a number of modes – whether that is as a solo freestyler chaining together flicks and the like, or against a fellow player in a classic Panna match. Street Power Soccer is available for free from March 16th – April 15th, but before downloading on Xbox One or Xbox Series X|S (check out the Xbox Store) make sure to take a look at our full review.

Occupying very little drive space, both SpongeBob’s Truth or Square and Street Power Soccer should be at least downloaded before they come off of the Games with Gold line-up.

Let us know in the comments or on our socials whether you’ll be giving either of these a try this spring.

I'm an avid gamer who will play pretty much anything... but stick an open world or adventure game in front of me and I'm more than happy.
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